Graduate Teaching Assistant: BST 560- Intermediate Biostatistics I, Fall 2023, Epidemiology and Biostatistics Department, Drexel University
Graduate Teaching Assistant: BST 571- Introduction to Biostatistics, Winter 2022, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Drexel University
Teaching Fellow: PBH 2022- Intro to Biostatistics, BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University
Instructor: 3rd year Course- Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Department of Statistics, Govt. Titumir College under Dhaka University
Statistics Mentor, Durbin Labs Limited, An app based education platform
Sharing a memory of teaching at Durbin Labs Limited while I was an undergraduate Statistics student.
Data Analysis Tutorial
Survival Analysis with SAS- A Complete Project
Problem and Aim of this projects: The aim of the current study was to use survival data analysis methods to assess the effectiveness of different treatment modalities on time to breast cancer recurrence in a sample of breast cancer patients. More specifically, we examined the relative effectiveness of surgery combined with chemotherapy or hormone therapy (CHT) versus surgery alone in primary breast cancer patients. We hypothesize that the combination of surgery and CHT will increase the survival time of patients, compared to surgery alone.
Data Set: Data for this project were obtained from the Rotterdam dataset,13,14 which contains data from the records of primary breast cancer patients in the Rotterdam tumor bank.15,16 Tissue samples were obtained from 2,982 patients.15,16 Patients were included if they had a diagnosis of primary, operable breast cancer and had had surgical treatment (mastectomy or removal of breast tumor). Exclusion criteria were tissue samples taken from a biopsy, rather than from breast tumors directly; diagnosis of carcinoma; metastatic disease; pre-surgical treatment; and patients who did not have enough follow-up documentation.15 The follow-up time for the original dataset was between 1 to 231 months, with a median follow-up time of 107 months
Starting with Descriptive Analysis: Details will be updated soon
Step by Step Analysis with Code:
Details will be updated soon
A Tutorial on Generalized Estimating Equation(GEE) with Application in R
What is GEE:
When we should use it:
Mathametical form of GEE:
Step by Step Analysis with R:
Details will be updated soon
Difference between Parametric, Semi-parametric, and Non-parametric Models: A case Study
Parametric Model (Advantages vs. Disadvantages):
Semi-parametric Model:
Non-parametric Model:
Comparison of three model in R:
Details will be updated soon
Structural Equation Modeling with Lavaan in R
Step by Step Analysis in R:
Details will be updated soon